Meet our experienced team that makes all BearEbike vehicles.

We'd like to point out up front that we're not Tinder power users and we don't take pictures of ourselves at every opportunity. However, we know how to build electric vehicles, not necessarily how to create portfolio photos and corporate staff descriptions.... so as soon as some professional photographer visits us, the team photos will be replaced with "more professional" ones.



Frame designer, creator and avid electric vehicle enthusiast. Author and exclusive builder of the first Venom Insane with ASI controller in Poland, and the fastest Venom in the world. Promoter of electric vehicles. A programmer by education – a graduate of Polish-Japanese Academy of Information Technology, experienced roboticist with specialization in embedded systems. A hobby pilot of Cessna 152 in the process of obtaining a PPL(A) license in the Civil Aviation Authority, MTB XC competitor, collodion photography enthusiast.



The Killer Hangover has no heart. Kac laces wheels that can withstand incredible overloads in your vehicles. A man of great talent and imagination on how to fix something where everyone has already given up. As of 2019, he is associated with us in the production of electric vehicles. Irreplaceable man - who under no circumstances can be approached on Monday morning – unless we see that Hangover does have a cup of coffee in hand. Privately, a lover of long-distance road cycling.



Motor expert. He had his first contact with ebikes, with power above 10kW many years ago. Incredibly accurate and focused on ensuring that each motoris tuned up to the smallest detail. Privately, a martial arts lover, with an eternal smile and serenity on his face.



Zakupy to jej specjalność To dzięki Oli, wszystkie podzespoły naszych pojazdów trafiają w terminie na nasze magazyny. Ola to pierwsza linia kontaktu dla naszych dostawców i firm, chcących podjąć z nami współpracę.



Administracja, księgowość, faktury i kadry. Alina wraz z Wiolettą stanowią silny zespół w walce z papierologią dnia codziennego. Miłośniczka fotografii z dedykacją :)



Dział zakupów, dostawy, bilanse, analizy i centrala telefoniczna w jednym - to właśnie Kasia. Pierwsza linia kontaktu z dostawcami międzynarodowymi. Wraz z Aleksandrą i Jędrzejem stanowi zgrany dział zakupów w naszej firmie.



The most handsome man in our team. An expert on lithium-ion batteries. He knows everything about them, and if he doesn't know something, it means the battery manufacturer hasn't consulted him yet. Since the beginning of his career he is inseparably connected with CyklonEbike. A month ago he promised to take a photo of himself the next day. The result – can be seen. Privately a fan of Honda cars equipped with Dutch Autogas systems and provocateur of unusual recordings on his voicemail. Beginning carpentry enthusiast.



What do you do at work? I weld. What do you do in your free time? I weld! What do you do at night? I dream about welding... Luke - a man who was born with a welding torch in his hand. Master of TIG and polished weld. He does not look down on MIG either.



Administracja to jej specjalność. Wraz z Aliną stanowią nasze zaplecze w ogarnianiu całej papierologii, faktur, rachunków, umów i wszystkich innych dokumentów, związanych z produkcją pojazdów elektrycznych.



Nasza tajna ukryta broń z zakresu marketingu i planowania czasu wolnego podczas wyjazdów szkoleniowych z naszymi klientami. Uwielbia przetapiać asfalt oponą swojego BearEbike'a, Na rok 2023 postawiła sobie za cel nauki wykonania power wheelie. Prywatnie miłośniczka psów i miłośniczka sportowego trybu życia.



Kuba - former trainee, currently our employee. Thanks to him all those amazing prototypes of integrated circuits are created. Unpolished diamond with great passion for powerful electric vehicles as well as embedded systems. When talking to Marecki, only two of them know what they are talking about. Currently finishing education at Mechatronic Technical School No. 1, the best technical school in Poland. Soon a student of Warsaw University of Technology.



Nasza tajna broń w kontaktach z dostawcami. Rzeczy nie możliwe załatwia od ręki, na cuda każe poczekać do obiadu. Tam gdzie diabeł nie może tam Jędrzeja wyśle. Przemiły człowiek, uśmiechnięty każdego dnia. Jędrzeja spotkacie na jaskrawo żółtym Russellu śmigającego po leśnych singletrackach.



The Administration, Invoicing, and Settlements Department. You'll most often find her at trade fairs, at the BearEbike stand handling and demonstrating the wheelie machine.